What is an EPC?

Energy Performance Certificate

The Energy Performance Certificate is similar to the certificates found on many domestic appliances.

A Certificate for a building gives the building a rating based on its energy efficiency.

A Domestic Energy Assessor collects data such as floor area, construction, insulation, heating and lighting and utilises a management software programme to produce the Certificate.

The EPC gives the property a rating from A to G.
An A rating shows it's very efficient, which means lower fuel bills, where as a G rating is inefficient, meaning higher fuel bills.

The Certificate will also show the building's environmental impact by indicating its carbon-dioxide emissions.

The EPC will also show recommendations as to how the property could be made more energy and cost efficient.

The Potential ratings included within the Energy Survey indicate the effects of each recommendation.

EPC Services What is an EPC house image


EPC SERVICES Providing Energy Performance Certificates since 2008